Why I left Philipps-Universität Marburg (and enrolled at Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences)

I never wrote about why I left Marburg and enrolled at THM. I guess now is a good time as any to explain this decision.

Back when I finished school and gained my general qualification for university entrance I didn’t think I’d need to put much thought into where and what I would study. I already knew I would continue to pursue becoming a software developer. And as I just can’t afford to go living someplace else, I had to stay where I grew up. So why not stay in the city where I went to school?

Oh boy, was that a mistake… Continue reading “Why I left Philipps-Universität Marburg (and enrolled at Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences)”

Some C, finally

After this Winter Semester I can now finally count C as one of the languages I am comfortable in.

I learned programming C in a course that could loosely translate to “programming close to system” or “machine oriented programming”.

We devised a virtual machine for the ninja programming language that was designed from the ground up as a stack machine. A stack machine is a easy start as you can quickly design the stack and binary operations that consume operands from the stack and produce one new result to be pushed on the stack.

We started with a purely integer based stack, because we wanted the encoding of instructions to be conceptualized before we added an object based stack.

The encoding of instructions went like so: Continue reading “Some C, finally”